Imagine having to deal with that ketchup packet for weeks on end, every time you want to enjoy a nice pancito with jam, perhaps. Or put tomato sauce on your pasta. Or use pretty much any kind of condiment.

Spices, herbs, pasta sauce, Parmesan cheese, every condiment imaginable...all in a queue lining the bottom shelf of my refri. Although this quirk is old news for anyone who has been living here for a bit, I still hold much contempt for this unsightly and inútil method of food storage. While it may not be a uniquely Chilean phenomenon (perhaps commonplace in all of Latin America?), all I know is that I find myself dealing with these offending bags on a daily basis. I hate these bags:
1) Because they are ugly!
2) Because they are messy!
On weekend mornings, I like to make a nice breakfast. Lightly toasted marraqueta bread, palta, Gouda cheese, coffee...all looking splendid with place mats and napkins.
But wait! I seem to have forgotten the jam!
I open the door to the fridge and there it is, Watts Mermelada Mora Sin Azucar, sitting in a pile of its own waste (a.k.a. the excess that has managed to leak out onto the bag itself and the refrigerator shelf.) I reluctantly place it on the table, trying to find the best angle so that it won't fall and spill. I struggle to ignore the crust that has formed around the crude opening and squeeze the jam onto my bread, mumbling obscenities to myself.
"You know, you can transfer it to a jar or something," E. suggests. True. But I never seem to get around to it.
Taking a step back: I know we're used to superfluous packaging in the U.S. Using bags is probably a cheaper and less wasteful option than packaging things into glass jars and elaborate plastic containers.
But where would the fun be without all the petty differences we like to bitch about?
i love the glass jars! you can reuse them for all sorts of cups! or, um, pickles!
i'm doing great, really liking my newfound grad school-y-ness in education, working at a middle school as i take classes (part of the program)(i almost wrote pogrom, which is an event when the russians in the old country would pillage and burn Jewish villages...yikes! hahaha, the Umass Pogrom!!! ..oof).
now i'm trying to figure out the 20 min. lesson i have to plan for wed! yay!
Dude! I think about the same thing everytime I try to use my mayonesa light! I'm like squeezing the stupid bad in every direction thinking... I know there's more somewhere in there!
AND do you know how many times mermelada has spilled all over the fridge? We probably have every flavor from naranja to frutilla stuck somewhere in our mini-fridge that I haven't gotten around to cleaning up.
oh renee, you're commenting to the wrong person about cleaning fridges -- you should've seen me in the house in la reina when my fridge got messed rampage.
so strange, as my car is a complete and utter stack of mushed and disorganized
i squished my blackberry watts packet in the door of the fridge, behind the mustard- in a jar- and the next time I went in there it was dripping ALL DOWN the shelves. yes, I heart the bags too.
i seriously just laughed out loud. that's hilarious. my nana found and ingenious way to deal with all my bags of herbs, she uses clothes pins to keep them all together. try it some time. :)
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